Be Vital


2007 Training Site

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Prayer Burdens

Much and thorough prayer always brings in God's organic shepherding. Saints, the serving brothers of the training like

to request that you pray for the following items in your weekly 3 times prayer with your vital companions.

·        the aspiration of the training to continue to be high

·        the absent trainees that they may be strengthened to the inner man with much grace to attend the training

·        the exercise of vital living and organic shepherding with much and thorough prayer

·        Dec. 3, 2006 Lord's day blending conference with brother Ron that many new ones can come and many dormant saints can be brought back.

·        the burden of Bible for America and the contacts of Bible for America

·        the opening of saint's home


A Perfecting Training on Shepherding

Among the churches in Northern California

“O Jehovah, revive Your work in the midst of the years.”(Hab. 3:2a) Among God's elect there has always been an aspiration to be revived. The Lord's servant hopes “that there will be a genuine revival among us by our receiving this burden of shepherding. If all the churches receive this teaching to participate in Christ's wonderful shepherding, there will be a big revival in the recovery.”

Many saints have risen up as a result of consecration and aspired to build up a vital living and to practice organic shepherding. This can only be achieved by much exercise and perfecting. After much fellowship and consideration, the churches in Northern California have decided to have a perfecting training on shepherding from mid-October to December . This training will usher the consecrated saints into the practice of shepherding by

1. Building up a living of a vital person, a habit of healthy spiritual life that brings in the corporate living of the God-men.

2. Practically being built up with some other vital persons, through much and thorough prayer with vital companions.

3. Practicing to shepherd new ones weekly. The goal is to bear one remaining fruit within one year.

In this training with eight sessions, we will encourage one another, shepherd one another in order that everyone can achieve the above goal. Within these eight weeks, every registered trainee will have their own list of shepherding in order to put to practice what they have learned .

We believe this leading is from the Lord. We look upon His grace and strengthening to make us overcomers in this age, to be vital persons , wise virgin, and faithful slave for His coming back. May we lay hold of this precious opportunity, to dive into the flow of life, be willing to pay the price to be perfected to build up a healthy spiritual life and to bring in the new revival in the Body of Christ.


Serving brothers in the Northern California Churches



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